
For globally compliant machines


Bundled expertise on product compliance and standards management for all industries.

Which regulations apply to my business and products?  How do I interpret these correctly?  We have the insight you need.  Moreover, we know all the relevant regulations on all aspects of machinery safety.

Compliance expertise for Industrial companies

You're a manufacturer, importer or operator of some type of traditional machinery or perhaps even a special equipment engineering firm?  Then you'll be facing a challenge, because the CE marking regulations that apply in the EU may be very different to regulations in other countries.

Which regulations apply to my business?

In addition to the all important Machinery Directive, which applies to almost all sectors of industry, other regulations such as the EMC Directive or the Pressure Equipment Directive as they apply to the mandatory CE Mark, often have to be observed in international markets.  Once you've identified all relevant regulations and conducted your research on each destination country, the next challenge already awaits.  

How Do I interpret these regulations correctly?

There is often a lot of leeway in the interpretation of Directives, especially outside of traditional mechanical and plant engineering.  Did you know, for example, that every product with a spring-loaded drive could potentially be subject to the Machinery Directive – even a rotating Christmas tree stand?  Regional differences in the legal definition of what constitutes a machine can make things very difficult very fast.

Globalnorm – for compliant products on international markets

The services of our experts include the monitoring and correct implementation of legislation required to obtain the CE Mark.  We also have a complete overview of non-EU regulations that are relevant to your sector, as well as essential contract provisions regarding, for example, machinery safety.


We are your competent partner for successfully placing compliant industrial products on international markets.

Case studies


“GLOBALNORM demonstrated to us the tremendous importance of product compliance, identified our weaknesses and delivered practical improvement measures, which we implemented together. This has enabled us to once again concentrate fully on our core business activities instead of having to grapple with bureaucratic matters."

Dr. Bodo Wand, Head of Quality Management, Heraeus Noblelight GmbH

Heraeus Noblelight – Comprehensive support since 2013

Heraeus Noblelight forms part of the Heraeus Technology Group and is a global market leader in the field of specialist light sources for industrial, scientific and medical applications.  And if that is not complex enough, there are also countless regulatory requirements that have to be met in over 60 target markets to which these innovative products are exported.

That is why our GLOBALNORM experts have been comprehensively advising Heraeus Noblelight since 2013 on all CE marking and market authorization requirement issues as well as actively assisting with the same.

GLOBALNORM services for Heraeus Noblelight

  • Global rollout of the GLOBALnorm Standards Management system to monitor normative requirements
  • Advising on the launch of new technology products in target markets Japan, South Korea, China, USA and Canada
  • Ongoing consultation on the application of harmonized standards for CE conformity
  • Global training of R & D, engineering, and product management staff on CE regulations in the EU
  • Global workshops on the impact and interpretation of EU regulations on CE conformity
  • Certification of several key employees as Product Compliance Officer for Electrical Devices (using Austrian Standards)

What Heraeus Noblelight achieved as a result

» Significant cost and resource allocation savings in purchasing and monitoring the required standards

» Faster CE Conformity Assessment product release

» Significantly fewer customs clearance issues

Expertise in industrial products compliance and standards

How may we help you?

Our expertise for industrial and mechanical engineering companies is vast.  Take advantage of our wide range of services today!

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Making news in regulatory governance

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