Management standardization autumn 2024

What changes are pending?

When we talk about management standards, we are referring to standards such as ISO 9001 for quality management, ISO 14001 for environmental management or ISO 50001 for energy management. These standards are structured according to the so-called "Harmonized Structure (HS)". This offers the great advantage that they can be integrated into a single management system (IMS for integrated management system).

These standards also include ISO 45001 for occupational health and safety, and this standard is currently being adopted at European level. However, this process is currently viewed skeptically by some EU member states. Member States with a high level of occupational health and safety (due to national regulations) in particular see no need for such a standard and are therefore skeptical of private certifications.

In addition to ISO 45001, there are other more specific standards, such as for psychological health. These are being developed by ISO/TC 283. In Germany, however, these standards have not been adopted as DIN ISO.

In contrast, ISO 31000 (implemented as DIN ISO 31000) on risk management is not a management system standard in accordance with HS. According to its title, it is merely a set of guidelines.

The situation is different with ISO 37301 regarding "Compliance management systems" (ISO/TC 309), implemented as DIN ISO 37301, which is also structured according to the HS, meaning that ISO 9001, ISO 45001 and ISO 37301 can be integrated into an IMS, for example.

ISO 9001, perhaps the best-known management standard, is currently being revised. The revision was approved by a simple majority in December 2023. The first meeting of the TC 176 SC2 WG 29 working group took place in London at the BSI in December 2023 with numerous experts in attendance. The publication of the new ISO 9001 was actually planned for 2025. However, it has now been announced that the planned date has been delayed. At the meeting from July 15-19, 2024 in Detroit/USA, the Committee Draft (CD) was discussed and corresponding comments were incorporated. The consultations were continued online from 29-30.07.2024. As part of this, it was decided that ISO 9001 would undergo a Committee Draft 2 (CD2) in order to incorporate the wealth of comments accordingly. As a rule, one cycle is necessary for this. A follow-up date is also already scheduled for September 2024, at which a decision will be made on how to proceed.

ISO 9000 is also being revised in parallel with ISO 9001. The corresponding ISO working group TC 176 SC1 is considering the adaptation of the quality management principles and the introduction of new or amended definitions. The results will be coordinated.

The standard is being developed as a pilot project using a new "online development tool" - an introduction to the digitalization of ISO standards (keyword "smart standards").

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.



Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Michael Loerzer
Regulatory Affairs Specialist

Published on 26.08.2024
Category: BLOG, Insider-Standards, Standards

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