Berlin-based advertising agency Antoni has launched a social media campaign under the hashtag #ZusammenGegenCorona, in which companies are using their reach to draw attention to the importance of vaccinating to curb the pandemic. In the process, the slogans of the companies and brands are rewritten as slogans for vaccinating.
GLOBALNORM is very happy to participate in the campaign and has reworded its original slogan "from standards to understanding" to "from standards to vaccinated" and added the message "make vaccinated your standard, too".
A large part of the GLOBALNORM team has already been vaccinated, and a good half have even been "boostered." "We are proud that our colleagues protect themselves, their health and their environment so well," says Maya Loerzer, who is responsible for Human Resources at GLOBALNORM. "We are also pleased that our in-house protective precautions are working so well and that no one from our team has been infected the corona virus so far," Maya Loerzer continues.
With remote work, changing office hours and extensive on-site protective precautions, the team has already been doing very well since the first lockdown in March 2021 and will continue to do so until the incidences and general situation are safe enough for a return to Kurfürstenstraße.