Charity instead of Christmas Cards

For the fifth time, we are investing in charity instead of Christmas cards. In doing so, we are not only protecting our forests, but also putting our money back into meaningful and helpful projects.

Especially in these times of international conflicts, many of which are carried out on the backs of religions, we need points of contact with the people behind them. Because this makes one thing clear: there is a human being in every religious representative, in every believer. Every personal encounter offers the opportunity to develop understanding for one another, to build bridges, to learn from and with one another, to open eyes and let hearts speak.

To enable the next generation to live without such conflicts, the meet2respect project provides precisely these opportunities for encounters. And we would like to support this with our donation this year. 

"With the slogan "meet2respect", we organize encounters between members of social groups whose interests are often presented as irreconcilable and who view each other with a certain amount of scepticism. Personal encounters open up spaces for discussion and enable mutual understanding."

>> What else meet2respect means

We would like to thank our valued customers, business partners and the many visitors to our website for their interest, trust and the opportunity to grow and develop. We look forward to deepening our cooperation in the coming year.

Best regards

Breaking News in Standards and Product Compliance

The world of standards and market authorization requirements may turn slowly, but it does turn.  Regular updates, revisions and reforms prove it.  We'll keep you posted!

And in other news, here's the latest on Standards and Product Compliance
Our Christmas campaign “donate rather than send” 2024

Charity instead of Christmas cards

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Awarded as an entrepreneur of the future 2024

First of all: The German Innovation Institute for Sustainability and Digitalization (diind) is a Hamburg-based institution that brings together science and business to provide communication and marketing managers with reliable, high-quality information.

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Produktkanzlei and GLOBALNORM

Offering customers 360° service

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Common specifications (GS) of the EU

Alternative solution if no harmonized standards are available

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New development on the "Malamud" case and free provision of standards

ISO and IEC file suit against the European Commission

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The new DIN EN IEC 31010:2024-12 for risk assessment

Risk management - Risk assessment procedures (IEC 31010:2019); German version EN IEC 31010:2019

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Radio standards to be removed from the EU Official Journal

Technology neutrality. Strategy of the EU Commission

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China: Extension of the "China RoHS"

New substances from 2026

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EU: RoHS exemptions update

Expiry of lead exemptions and new exemptions overview

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